Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jim Green and Hal Bill from Enosburg are buyers for Butternut Farms.

1,400 Gallons = 40 Barrels

The big truck from Butternut Farms is coming today to pick up our barrels of syrup.

I will upload pictures later.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Done boiling and now the fun begins of cleaning.

Harvey has the pans soaking in water and he cleaned the RO/pump room yesterday.

I finished putting grade stickers on the canned gallons, half gallons and quarts.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Last boil of the maple season was last night. We are done.

25 gallons of Grade B.

Total this season...1,400 gallons.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Beautiful day yesterday. Beginning to warm up. The wind is still cold.

Harvey boiled and made 20 gallons of A-Dark. Beginning to turn to Grade B.

My Mom & Dad visited the sugarhouse.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Harvey had trouble with the arch today, it wouldn't start. Sap was built up in the storage tanks and running.

They got the arch running and he started boiling at 3:30 p.m.

He made 2 barrels (60 gallons) of Grade A-Dark.

There is NO ice on the pond today and we are still sugaring.

Not much happening here in the sugarhouse.

Sap started running just a bit around 4 p.m. yesterday.

22 degrees this morning. Temps not warming up in the day...very cold and windy.

Beginning to show signs of spring. Daffodils planted in the old syrup pan that Harvey's father used.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

When the sap isn't flowing, Harvey cuts trees and brush.

Here is a picture of Harvey's full syrup barrels. The sugarhouse is filling up.

We have had snow squalls all day. No sap  running today. The temperature is about 30 degrees, but the wind is blowing and makes it feel like 20 degrees.

Look how much the ice melted from the pond from yesterday to today!

The bottom picture was taken on March 28, the next one up was yesterday, April 11 and the next 2 pictures were taken today, April 12.

Harvey boiled yesterday afternoon.

30 gallons of Grade A-Dark.

1,300 total gallons.

23 degrees this morning and light snow falling.

The ice on the pond is melting.

Our last boil last year was April 19.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Harvey made 30 gallons last night. Grade B and turned to A-Dark.

1,250 gallons, rough estimate.

28 degrees this morning and beautiful sunshine.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Harvey made a barrel (33 gallons) of Grade B today and is at the sugarhouse boiling again.

44 degrees and sunshine.

Harvey made 30 gallons of Grade B last night.

28 degrees this morning.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Harvey is headed up to boil. He has a half a tank of sap.

The temperature is about 40 degrees and the sap has been running just a little bit.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Harvey made 35 gallons of Grade B yesterday.

26 degrees and snowing this morning. Ground is covered with snow.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Harvey made a total of 80 gallons yesterday. This includes the 33 gallons I  posted last night.

The grade went from C to A-Dark.

We have a total of 32 barrels (all different sizes).

Total gallons 1,100 +.

Sap ran all night. We have 1 full storage tank this morning.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Harvey made 33 gallons of Grade C today and is boiling again tonight.

Cold and rainy today.
Didn't warm up like we would have liked it to yesterday.

Sap started running slowly around 1 p.m. and ran all night.

Harvey has 1 3/4 tanks of sap this morning.

He started the RO at 6:00 this morning. He will boil sometime today.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

35 degrees and snowing at 5:00 p.m.

Look what we woke up to...30 degrees and sugar snow. It is just beautiful this morning. Make sure to enlarge the picture for an up close view.

Harvey made 33 gallons of Grade C yesterday.
Harvey hit 1,000 gallons today.

Sap started slowing down, but it ran all night. Harvey has 1 1/2 tanks of sap this morning.

It has been running day and night since Tuesday morning after our fresh snow.

The grade went to B & C yesterday. We have never made this much Grade C as we have this year.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sap ran all night. Harvey has 2 full storage tanks and running into the 3rd tank this morning.

Sap is looking cloudy, so grade will probably go back to B & C today.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Beautiful day today, 62 degrees and sunshine.

Sap ran all night and is still running.

Harvey boiled this afternoon. 

The grade changed to A-Dark.

We have a total of 900+ gallons.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Good day at the sugarhouse yesterday...we got a great sap run!

Harvey and Ryan boiled in the afternoon and evening.

The grade is still C, but started getting lighter before they stopped boiling last night.

Harvey got up at 3:00 a.m. to check the sap tanks and we have 3 full tanks of sap and still running.

It didn't freeze last night, so not sure how long it will run today.

30 degrees this morning with a good freeze last night-50 degrees at noon time and the sap is running.

Harvey has 1 full tank and beginning to flow in the other storage tank.

He started the RO, so he will boil sometime this afternoon.

The arch is just getting fixed from a week or 2 ago. The control panel was broken and has now been replaced.