Welcome to a new sugaring year! Our 21st year of sugaring and 2nd year of blogging.
Harvey and his tapping crew started tapping on Monday, February 22nd. They tapped all day Monday and Tuesday with great results. They have 1 more day to finish our 4000 taps.
We woke this morning at 5:00 a.m. to 1 foot of new snow and a loud pop sound that followed by losing our power. Our power was restored at noon. My electricity is a wonderful thing!
The snow is still coming down and not suppose to stop until sometime Thursday morning. Harvey has been plowing all day. Ryan got his car stuck and Harvey got my car stuck.
At noon we had a wildlife visitor, an ermine. They are all white with black on the tip of their tail. He was popping his head up out of the snow, diving under the snow and peaking up elsewhere. I got this picture of the internet, sad to say it isn't one that I took. This little guy was fast.
Lot of things happening up here today, but not much sugaring yet.