Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sap Ran All Night

Harvey is going to boil this afternoon. He has 1 tank (1,000 gallons) full of sap this morning. Sap is running slowly this morning, 35 degrees.

Snow, sleet, high winds and freezing rain here last night and this morning. Culverts plugged at the bottom of our driveway and water flowing over Route 58.

Harvey boiled this afternoon...15 gallons of A-Dark.

March 29 First Boil

42 degrees and our first sap run this season. Harvey boiled this afternoon but only sweetened the pan. The sugar content is 1 - 1 1/2%.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Winter Wonderland

This was our place today, March 22, 2014. Snow, cold 27 degrees and very windy.

March 22 and No Boil Yet

This weekend is Open House for maple sugaring, seeing how we have no sap to boil,Harvey & I ventured out today to find someone that was boiling. We found Georgia Mountain Maples in Milton. Wow, we found a very impressive sugarhouse and they are having a pancake breakfast catered by The Abbey today and tomorrow...$11.95 all you can eat. They also had Maple BBQ Pulled Pork, fresh cooked ham, coleslaw and rolls if you are not a breakfast person. Oh and the smell inside was amazing!

They have 70,000 taps, we tap 2,700. Everything was supersized at this sugarhouse!

Georgia Mountain Maples